How to View Tide Table |
Chart(graph) showing the tidal current is fast or slow. |
means the time when the river or sea reaches its highest level, "+ number" means the difference in rising sea(or river) level after low tide. |
means the time when the river or sea reaches its lowest level, "- number" means the difference in falling sea(or river) level after high tide. |
( 158) |
Number in ( )brackets means the hight of water level, and the unit is centimeter(cm). |
Related Terms |
flood tide |
the incoming or rising tide when it has risen from low to high water. |
ebb tide |
the tide that is going out, being drawn away from the land. |
High tide |
means the time when the river or sea reaches its highest level. |
Low tide |
means the time when the river or sea reaches its lowest level. |
Tide table |
a table showing the height of the tide at different times of day over a period at a particular place. |
Tidal current |
the flow of water by the rise and fall of the tide. |